Welcome to Road Signs To Life. The concept of our brand has been evolving for over 20 years. As anyone who has traveled with me knows, it is a common practice of mine to randomly pull over and jump out of the vehicle to take a picture of a road sign, and then listen to me passionately speak about Life’s parallels and the beautiful metaphors that these mundane, common signs convey. Here, I’ll take a moment to offer a sincere “thank you” to every tolerant and patient navigator who has ever been on a roadtrip with me (since I am usually the one driving), for putting up with me for making us late because I just had to take “one more” picture. It may have been the same sign with a different background, but as the environment changes, so does the signs’ meaning! In 2015, when I became a mom, the parallels I drew between the road signs and life’s precious moments became even more so.

As every parent knows, you can’t just set the 'cruise control' and go. As parental guides, we must learn how to maneuver our “vehicle” to meet the ever-changing paths of parenthood - And be prepared for a road-trip full of unconditional love, excitement, worry, trust, frustration, laughter, wonder, spontaneity, lessons, reflections, fits, pit stops, side trails, snack breaks, schedules (and endless reschedules), and many. deep. breaths. Ahhhh... so that’s what the “scenic route” is all about, Life’s reminder to slow down and just take it all in.
There are teachable moments in our everyday lives, from traditional academics to vital life skills. In the same manner that parenthood shifts our perspective, our roadtrip adventures have shifted my perspective on education, knowledge, critical thinking, and learning. Together, we seek answers and learn to find solutions for every type of scenario that life has laid on our path thus far. By allowing the road signs to direct us, we are reminded to slow down, pull over to let others pass, stop to refuel, or that our road will end ahead. We rely on the road signs to warn us about the dangers ahead, from falling rocks to those times in our lives when the pavement is uneven. The road is where Kekoa and I connect through the greatest ideas and conversations; Nature is where we bond and put it all into play.
After all these years, my son and I are still in transit on a journey of self- and world-discovery, some call it wanderlust; we call it living! We invite you to join us as we navigate the adventures of roadschool/homeschool in an unschooling manner. Oftentimes we set out with only a vague destination in mind and we let the road signs lead us to where we are supposed to be. This “road sign-led” way of traveling runs parallel to my way of parenting. I enjoy Sharing The Gravel of what our adventures have, and continue to teach us as we explore the magnificent and awe-inspiring United States of America, encompassing simplicity and complexity at every intersection.